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A made-up word? No, not all. It is a term that describes how students learn a new language using various mother tongues. Students who do this can progress faster in their uptake of the additional language. An example: 2 students with say Italian and Spanish as their native language are asked to finalise a comprehension exercise in English together. To do so, they use a mix of English, Spanish and Italian to complete the task. Is this right or wrong? Right, I say!

Translanguaging is about communication more than fluency in the language you want to acquire.

Is it risky? Some educators believe it hinders the uptake of the new language. However, in the current globalisation and our multi-cultural environments, it is more important to communicate. As long as the receiving party gets your message, you're fine. Intelligence is not measured by proficiency.

Of course, there are times when fluency and accuracy count. In case you are about to take an exam you should focus on the new language. Also, advanced fluency helps you to integrate with any society.

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